Daily Practice - Healing (2018)

Daily Practice -The Healing’ suggested a proactive approach a to deform objects with prominent features that are widely recognisable in a culture – those which as a viewer would find it easy to connect with – through the crafting process. Would the process of eliminating these features create new identities, or would the nature of the objects simply be revealed?

Daily Practice - The Healing’ consists of: a wall-mounted selection of recognisable daily objects with surface treatment, deformed gallery furniture, presented with photographic documentation of the surface treatment, a set of 3D-printed box pendants (‘Hidden Collection (2)’), and a book of fragmented ‘stories’ (Facebook posts). They portray the interlacing process of formation and deformation of consciousness and identities; each complements the other, decodes a secluded information flow in today’s world.

Photography by ©AJHK

Last update July 2020. All rights reserved